to create (a sensation)の例文
create a sensation
The interview created a sensation and the sales of the tablet surged. The letter creates a sensation among political leaders, businessmen and the public. Most dramatically he immediately p......

2 smile sensation
The single, titled " Samui ne ", was released on November 28, and the album " 2 Smile Sensation " was released May 22, 2013.

a prickly sensation
He described his reactions as beginning with a prickly sensation in the mouth and throat followed by a feeling of sickness and swelling of the throat and sinuses lasting up to four hours.

a rare sensation
It's been a rare sensation to this team, which under Don Nelson was schooled to take as much advantage of its offensive firepower as possible. A rare sensation : to feel the cool air-condi......

a sensation novel
"A Sensation Novel " satirises the sensation novels popular as pulp detective fiction in the Victorian era. Gilbert produced four more pieces for Reed, including " A Sensation Novel " in 1......

a society sensation
She also worked with him in " A Society Sensation ."

a tightening sensation
I would like to give you a cupping treatment , you will fell a tightening sensation in the local area only

abnormal sensation
Neuropathic pain may be associated with abnormal sensations called dysesthesia or pain from normally non-painful stimuli ( allodynia ). Lesions of one or more nerve roots result in typical......

abnormal sensation of hunger
Nine of the patients were diagnosed as suffering from ptosis and nystagmus, as well as psychological effects such as apathy, akinesia, lethargy, timing and local disorientation, kleptomani......

aching sensation
"From the beginning of this madness, there has been this awful aching sensation that we had to do something, " he said Tuesday. Often the needles are stimulated by hand in order to cause a......

after sensation
They are after sensation, not solutions. After Sensation Korea the Ocean of White show heads over to Bangkok, Thailand for a show on 18 August and to Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 29 September.

alex sensation
Contrary of his previous studio album, " Shaggy and Alex Sensation. There are two songs that were originally released with Yandel as a featured artist . 獴醝lame?was released on July 31, 201......

analysis of sensation
Planck soon introduces Johann to the writings of Ernst Mach, particularly " Analysis of Sensations " ( 1886 ). Both von Ehrenfels and Edmund Husserl seem to have been inspired by Mach's wo......

attribute of sensation
The attribute of sensation that enables one to perceive space or size

auditory sensation
Vibration of the skull results in auditory sensation. The principle is based on decades of research showing that bone conduction stimulation of the teeth initiates auditory sensations. Pul......

bodily sensation
These bodily sensations arise through various sensory stimuli and change constantly. The result is as much about bodily sensation as it is about hearing. She juxtaposed scientific and desc......

body sensation
Patients present with red eye, burning, tearing, foreign body sensation, mild photophobia. Hakomi relies on mindfulness of body sensations, emotions and memories. Sensory motor rhythm gove......

brightness sensation
One of the original goals of tone mapping was to be able to reproduce a given scene or image onto a display device such that the brightness sensation of the image to a human viewer closely......

burning mouth sensation
Some causes of a burning mouth sensation may be accompanied by clinical signs in the mouth or elsewhere on the body.

burning sensation
Instead, it causes burning sensations on the skin, with no actual burning. It's like a burning sensation within knowing I haven't beaten them ." If inhaled, can cause a burning sensation, ......

burning sensation during urination
Symptoms include an intense burning sensation during urination, and visits to the bathroom as often as 60 times a day.

burning sensation when urinating
In men, gonorrhea causes a burning sensation when urinating and irregular discharge from the penis. Those infected with gonorrhea have a yellowish discharge from their sex organs and feel ......

carnival sensation
The Carnival Sensation took over for the " Victory " in Miami doing 4 and 5 day cruises. In February 2016, " Carnival Victory " replaced the " Carnival Sensation " in Port Canaveral. The p......

changed sensation
God may die but as individuals we can still experience an awe-inspiring, and often life-changing sensation, that is natural to the mental attribute called native genius. Third, your doctor......

chemical sensation
Although the terms " flavoring " and " flavorant " in common language denote the combined chemical sensations of taste and smell, the same terms are used in the fragrance and flavors indus......